IPEBLA Website Index Function


The index function works as follows:

  • First you must click on the link above, which will take you directly to the search engine page.  This will allow you to search the conference papers and journal articles that are currently posted on the IPEBLA website by keywords, authors, titles, etc.
  • Enter either a phrase such as “minimum benefits” or a word such as “surplus” or, alternatively, the name of an author such as “Haines”.
  • By entering the phrase, word or author and pressing the search button, a list of articles or papers will then appear in which that phrase or word appears in the summary or as a key word.
  • If an author’s name is entered, articles written by said author would appear.
  • At this point you then select the title of the paper or article and the full details will appear and include the author, the journal or conference in which it appeared, a summary of the article and the key words.

Note 1:  It is not, at present, possible to link directly through to the conference paper or Journal article.  But the conference paper or Journal article can be located in the appropriate part of the website.

Note 2:  The index function currently only works for conference papers and Journal articles up to and including December 2005.  Work is being undertaken separately to extend the index function to include more current Journal articles (however, recent Journals can be found in the Members-Only section of the website).


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