Comparative Survey
In the summer of 2019, IPEBLA published its fifth Comparative Survey of pension law from around the world. This unique publication is a useful tool for our members and many others who need information about private pensions in other parts of the world than their own. A publication such as this can be invaluable in preventing a resident of one country from assuming that the private pension system of another country is similar to that of his or her own country. Even if they seem similar, subtle differences can be extremely important.
The topics covered by each contribution deal with the specific nature of the pension arrangement in the jurisdiction concerned according to a template of topics developed by the editorial board. We thank each contributor, carefully chosen as an expert in his or her jurisdiction, to prepare the contribution in respect of his or her jurisdiction and who all typify the collegiality and generosity to be found within IPEBLA.
This publication is just another step in the development of legal thought around legal issues in pension provision. We hope it will be of value not only to pension lawyers but regulators, actuaries, economists, accountants, human capital professionals and anyone else involved in this fascinating field. We welcome input and debate, and, as we hope to publish this survey at least every two years, your constructive critical commentary on any aspect of the survey would be most appreciated.
If you are an IPEBLA member, click here to be redirected to the Members Resources area of the website and download the 5th Edition of the Comparative Survey.
For non-members: How to Order the Comparative Survey
Above all, IPEBLA’s focus is facilitating the development of legal thought around legal issues in pension provision through open dialogue and debate.
The Comparative Survey is of value not only to pension lawyers but regulators, actuaries, economists, accountants, human capital professionals and anyone else involved in this fascinating field.
IPEBLA's primary goal is to share information. IPEBLA is a non-profit organization and the survey was developed by the members and for the members without any commercial aspirations.
All IPEBLA members will receive a copy of the Comparative Survey with their membership dues. Should members wish to order additional copies, they may purchase a copy of the Comparative Survey for $300 USD, plus the cost of postage. Non-members may purchase a copy for $450 USD, plus the cost of postage.
Contact to complete a request form to order a copy of the Comparative Survey.